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  ‘Jet Set Chick’ highlighted our six sites within a ten mile radius – all just as good as each…

10th March 2016

  Fumo Sound is back at the end of the month with performances on Easter weekend in Manchester and Birmingham….

10th March 2016

  We’re celebrating another award-winning month with our San Carlo restaurant in Leeds city centre and Cicchetti at Piccadilly, London…

10th March 2016

  Pasqua (Easter) in Italy is a time for coming together with friends and family to feast and celebrate new…

10th March 2016

  A hidden gem, if you haven’t experienced San Carlo’s Gran Cafe on lower ground floor at Selfridges, Exchange Square…

10th March 2016

  We were delighted to feature in The Culture Trip’s round up of London’s Best New Restaurants. Highlighting our truffle…

10th February 2016

  Mother’s Day is a big occasion in Italy – one of the most important holidays in the Italian year,…

10th February 2016

Still looking for that special Valentines Day surprise?  Let us do the hard work for you, after all, Italian is…

10th February 2016

If you’re looking for a super chic Valentines treat then head over to San Carlo Gran Café on the lower…

10th February 2016

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Want more from San Carlo? To thank you and show our appreciation for your loyalty, San Carlo Group Restaurants has launched My San Carlo. Benefits include being the first to hear about special events and new dishes, as well as access to news, recipes, competitions and the low down on how to order secret menu items! What are you waiting for? Get started and Join the My San Carlo newsletter today..